Home Featured Most dangerous phrase in real Life – Kiss Of Death

Most dangerous phrase in real Life – Kiss Of Death


                                         Kiss of Death

Over the years, the term “Kiss Of Death” has been used widely. In the section below we capture some of the way in which this term has been used.


This betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot, who kissed him as a way of identifying him to the soldiers who came to arrest him (Matthew 26:47–49). It dates only from about 1940 but was previously called a Judas kiss.

2. Lion gives wildebeest one swift kiss before killing it

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Located at Barcelona’s Poblenou Cemetery, this magnificent sculpture, titled Kiss of Death (El Pet de la Mort in Catalan and El Beso de la Muerte in Spanish), depicts death (in the form of a winged skeleton) planting a kiss on a young man’s forehead. According to the story, in 1930, the Llaudet family was mourning the death of their son and created this sculpture for his tomb. The epitaph bears famous verses by one of Catalan’s greatest poets, Jacint Verdaguer:

“And his young heart can not help;
in his veins the blood stops and freezes
and encouragement lost faith embraces
fall feeling the kiss of death”

3. Lion gives wildebeest one swift kiss before killing it

4. That’s a very sweet kiss of death

5. That is definitely venomous Kiss of Death

Image result for kiss of death snake

6. This is how a Kiss of Death Tattoo Looks like

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The kiss of death (Italian: Il bacio della morte) is the sign given by a mafioso boss or capo that signifies that a member of the crime family has been marked for death, usually as a result of some perceived betrayal.However much is based on fact and however much on the imagination of authors, it remains a cultural meme and appears in literature and films. Illustrative is the scene in the film The Valachi Papers when Vito Genovese (Lino Ventura) gives the kiss of death to Joe Valachi (Charles Bronson) to inform him that his betrayal of “the family” is known, and that he will be executed.

The “kiss” has also been used as a terror tactic to aid in extortion or debt collection by reducing victims to a state of panic where they will commit to anything to save their lives

The exact origin is unknown, but an Italian source identifies the bacio della morte as the kiss given to the assassin delegated to “execute” a death sentence, as if to seal the solemn judgment and to wish success on the assignment. Some believe it refers to the kiss of Judas which was given to Jesus to betray him to the soldiers seeking him out. Its use goes back to at least the early 19th century in Sicily.

8. One of Kiss’ many victims, Margaret Toth, who was killed in 1906

bela kiss

Source : https://the-line-up.com/bela-kiss

9. Most watched video on Youtube : Where a fighter kiss his opponent before the fight


Lets admit this is on the funnier side :


10. KISS of death Lipstick smear actual helps police to determine the offender

Image result for kiss of death criminal scene

11. And not to forget the famous Hollywood movie

Image result for kiss of death movie

12. Finally an article on How to Avoid the “Conversation Kiss of Death


13. Can you guess what is this ?

Image result for kiss of death logo


Source : http://www.dictionary.com, wikipedia, Caters news, Kiss of Death the movie, MMA youtube, mymodernmet

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