Ananya Panday has been embroiled within the Aryan Khan medication case over the alleged WhatsApp chats between her and Aryan. Ananya has visited the NCB workplace twice within the final two days and has been summoned to seem but once more on Monday. According to a report in ETimes, Ananya continues to be honoring her skilled commitments which embody capturing a track for ‘Liger’ with Vijay Deverakonda. The capturing for the track will go on for a number of days and in addition to the track, Ananya additionally has some advert shoots, which she will probably be honoring too.
According to a report in ETimes, a supply near the household spoke about Ananya over her summons by NCB and stated, “It is simply part of the protocol; the NCB got here residence, solely handed over the papers, and left. She is actually not nervous in regards to the summons. In truth, she simply accomplished her work commitments earlier than she left for the NCB workplace. Why are folks making it out to be a giant concern?” The source further added, “She is cooperating with the agency and answering all the queries asked by the NCB”.
Liger is a Hindi-Telugu bilingual directed by prolific blockbuster filmmaker Puri Jagannath. Ananya will probably be sharing display screen house with Vijay Deverakonda for the primary time. Liger marks Vijay’s debut in Hindi cinema after delivering a number of profitable movies within the Telugu movie trade together with ‘Arjun Reddy’, ‘Geetha Govindam’, ‘Nota’, and ‘Dear Comrade’ amongst others. Meanwhile, Ananya will probably be subsequent seen in Shakun Batra’s directorial costarring Deepika Padukone and Siddhant Chaturvedi.
Also Read| Ananya Panday agreed to arrange ‘Ganja’ for Aryan Khan but later said was ‘joking’ to NCB; Reports
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