The Stunning Purpose Abraham Lincoln Grew a Beard


Although Abraham Lincoln’s beard is now an indelible a part of his picture, it did not come into existence till after he’d gained the presidential election in November 1860. Lincoln determined to develop out his whiskers partly due to some well-meaning recommendation from a younger supporter. The beard gained public approval and will have helped preserve Lincoln protected from an assassination plot in 1861.

Contemporaries typically mocked Lincoln’s look

Lincoln was placing to behold: he had a gaunt, wrinkled face, an extended neck and was tall sufficient to tower over his contemporaries. And all through his profession, mocking his look was thought-about truthful sport. When he was working for president in 1860 a paper in Houston described him as “the leanest, lankiest, most ungainly mass of legs, arms, and hatchet face ever strung upon a single frame.” The Charleston Mercury deemed him a “horrid-looking wretch.”

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